Posts Tagged ‘ Home Stager Training ’

How to Combine Creativity with Business

The number one request that I get from all of my clients, whether they are from my Home Staging Training Company, Marketing and Networking Business, one of my Speaking Clients…all of them, are always looking for a way to be more creative, or at least add more creativity to their marketing efforts and effectively combine it with business. For some reason, we have been conditioned that the two don’t go together…but they MUST!

Over the years, people have constantly told me how “Creative or Imaginative” I am. Funny, I never thought of myself as such, but I am a self-professed dreamer, and I love letting my imagination run wild…which can be good, and of course, bad as well! J

But, I think ultimately that you have to have a set foundation in every type of business, no matter what it is. You have to have a solid vision, a way to implement the plan or vision, have a strong team, a goal or intention and of course the marketing, direction and management to make it happen.

Rarely can this happen without a “Creative Department.” Most small businesses don’t have the luxury of an entire department, so it is up to YOU to be the Creative Leader of your Business, so that your Business is presented as a Creative, Productive, and Effective Company to your Client.

As Home Stagers, we all have a natural inclination toward creativity. Most of you explore that creativity each time you do a staging job. I know I do because it is almost a release for me. It is a creative outlet, a way to vent any frustration, and it also allows me to constantly flex my creativity muscle. I am able to in turn get better each time (and most importantly, offer more creative advice every time to my nationwide team of APSD Certified Home Stagers).

But, in business, we can’t simply be creative in what we do; we have to be creative in what we say and how we present ourselves and our services. In other words, your Marketing must be creative if you want to stand out from the crowd and catch the attention of your potential client.

That is why the first thing I always teach all of my clients is:

1) Name: What is the name of your company or Service? Does it say what you do and where you do it?

I know you are thinking, “Karen, to just say ‘Los Angeles Home Staging’ is boring. I want to say ‘A feather in your cap Sales.'”

Now, I would agree that the ‘Feather in your Cap’ is far more creative, but it does not tell me anything. When you come up with a name, people will search under categories, which is why, in this instance something “practical” comes in handy.

Even today, if I were naming my own Home Staging Company again, I would not name it Simple Appeal. I love the name, and it speaks to me, but for people that don’t know me, they are only going to search for Home Staging Services in Colorado—not Simple Appeal.

2) USP- Once you have figured out your name, now is your chance to be creative. A USP is a “Unique Selling Proposition.” Sometimes you can use this as a tag line, like I do, “Anybody can make your Property pretty, we make it Sell” or as a unique way to capture the attention of your customer. In other words, use your creativity, and figure out a way to say something about your service or business that makes you more compelling than any other person in your industry in the eyes of your client.

The best way to approach this, which you many already know if you follow me on Twitter, is to tell your client what they WANT to hear vs. what they NEED to hear. And say it in such a way that makes them think “I HAVE to have it!”

You can have so much fun with this and when you hit the nail on the head, your lead generation will explode. It is the perfect way to combine creativity with business.

3) Position- So, now you have a name that opens up the door for good and easy search criteria. You then have mustered up all of your creative resources and developed an extraordinary USP. So, you have burst open the door on your new lead generation. Now, you have to correctly and effectively position yourself in the market place so that you can convert those leads into sales, thus increasing your business’s bottom line.

My USP, “Anybody can make your House look Pretty, we make it Sell” is not only a great USP, but it also offers me great positioning in my market place. It is good marketing. The reason that I chose this USP is that I wanted to position myself in the market place as the Home Stager that actually knew how to stage a home so it would sell. I did not want to just be about decorating, accessorizing or rearranging…I wanted to be about results.

So, what you have to do… once again is be creative. What do you want to say about your business? And, how do you want them to envision you and your services?

All of these steps require creativity and with that, you will find that new doors will readily open for your business. The key to success is to combine your creativity with your business skills, because although they can each stand alone, the fact of the matter is that you could increase your business 10 fold over night by adding just one effective touch of creativity. And, let’s face the facts; it sure is whole lot more fun to be creative!

Keep in mind that creative marketing and positioning is just good business. So for those of you that immediately assume you are not good at business, by implementing the 3 steps above, you will now be 3 “business” steps ahead of any other Home Stager in your area.

In the future, I will offer a business program, but for now, follow the information above and you will be amazed at the results.

To your greatest joy,

Karen Schaefer

Founder, APSD

Your Worldwide Leader in Home Staging Training


How to Create a Path of Excellence in Your Home Staging Business

Do you know what freedom fighters like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Rosa Parks, and so many others have one thing in common? At one point they decided that enough was enough and that they could be invincible by standing on a platform of excellence. That is how they achieved what they went after. When Nelson Mandela said: “Does anybody really think that they didn’t get what they had because they didn’t have the talent, or the strength, or the endurance or the commitment?” he is talking about setting your sites on excellence so you can be the best you can be.

Now, this does not mean that you have to be the next President of Africa, but that you would want to be the best Home Stager in your area. Once you decide to be “invincible” as a Home Stager, you immediately set the course for excellence just like all the people before you that want to be “excellent.” After having studied great world leaders, business leaders and visionaries, following are the steps that it takes to create your path of excellence in your Home Staging Business.

Step #1 – Focus on Specificity — You must decide specifically what your area of expertise is within the Home Staging industry, then who your customer is as well as your message. By telling someone you are just another “Home Stager” you remove your opportunity to tell them you are extraordinary. What makes you extraordinary? That is what you need to say. Usually it should be said in such a way that it solves your client’s problem.

Step #2 – Do what you say you will do. Call when you say you will call, confirm the appointment, show up 5 minutes early, dress professionally, have your paperwork with you and in order as well as the client information.

Step #3 – Perform an amazing home staging service. Start by being very specific as to what your client wants and what they will receive. Then deliver that, plus a little more so you can always “Under Promise and Over Deliver.”

Step #4 – Offer to put together the photos of the property and hand deliver them to your clients office (send a digital copy as well, all of it should include your company name and contact information).

Step #5 – Send a follow up thank you letter with an offer to check on the status of the Home Staging within the next 30 days to “tweek” the set in case it needs to be adjusted at no extra charge.

Step #6 – Keep in touch every 30 days for the rest of your relationship.

By following these 6 steps you will stand out in the sea of other Home Stagers with your unique message positioned directly at the right customer, you will set a new standard of professionalism by doing what you say you will and more, the home staging service you deliver will thrill your client, and your gratitude, level of customer service, and follow up will ensure that this client, is yours for life. Now, just repeat the process for all future clients and you will find that you have easily created your own “Path of Excellence” for your Home Staging Business.

About the Author

Karen Schaefer is the Founder of Simple Appeal, Inc. and The Association of Property Scene Designers which is composed of professional Home Stagers who have gained the best Home Stager Training there is. Karen will teach you more about staging, marketing, and selling houses quickly.

Expand your Horizons and Profits as a Home Stager

Every cloud has a silver lining.” This is just one of the famous sayings that have different implications to different people. But what does it mean to you and how can you relate it to your present status and career? In essence, this old adage goes to say that it is always possible to get something positive out of a situation, no matter how unpleasant, difficult or even painful it might seem. And as Mary Kay Ash, owner of leading cosmetics says; “Every silver lining has a cloud.”  By this she means that you have to work your way thru the cloud every time to get to the silver lining. The problem is that most of us choose to stay in the cloud.

Another famous saying by the same person states “Every No leads to a Yes.” This entails that every person should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days. A common problem amongst Home Stagers is that they don’t feel as though they can get enough work. Today, there are plenty of home staging opportunities as there are more homes available for sale than since WWII. If you don’t think there’s enough work, houses, and opportunities then just go get more “no’s!”

What is Home Staging

So how can you develop a way for you to get more bookings with your Home Staging Business? The answer is that you have to know the fundamentals of this business and how to go about it effectively. Once you know the necessary skills of the trade then there is no doubt you will be ready to expand your horizons and profits as a home stager. Remember that Home Staging, unlike interior decorating, is about neutralizing decors and taking away a client’s identity from a home in order for it to attract potential buyers. As a home stager you must take note of this since every buyer has different taste and your job is to make sure that what you will be doing suits their preferences.

Why Home Staging is a Hot Business

Home staging remains to be a hot business nowadays. CNN and Career Builders say that Home Staging is the #1 Career Choice today. And according to Entrepreneur magazine, the demand for home stagers continues to grow as more and more homeowners learn about home staging from TV shows such as “Sell This House on A&E” and the other popular show “Designed to Sell on HGTV”. So there is no need to ask why you would love to start your own home staging business.

How to Start Your Own Home Staging Business

When you start your own home staging business, you may choose to be a home staging consultant, giving people ideas to help them stage their home, or you may do hands-on home staging yourself. As long as you have the desire, you can become a home stager, no special education or experience is necessary to break into this career and succeed. Successful home stagers provide insider tips and expert career advice as well as topics of vital importance to anyone who wants to become a home stager and start a home staging business. So what are you waiting for? Get started today, there is no better time for you to work your way thru the cloud to get to the silver lining.

About the Author

Karen Schaefer is the Founder of Simple Appeal, Inc. and APSD which is composed of home stagers who have accumulated the best Home Staging Training there is. Learn more on Home Staging Careers. Take advantage of this opportunity right now.

How to Get Paid to Stage Homes for Sale

Would you like to have more time, make more money, and work in an industry you love? Do you think all these are possible? The answer is a big YES. Nowadays, more and more people go everyday to jobs that they aren’t really passionate about just to pay the bills and other expenses at home. People forget that life should be about more than just making ends meet. And you can make a difference. You should love what you do day-to-day and have the chance to spend quality time with your family, rather than spending endless hours slaving away.

By setting up your own property design business, you’ll be able to have a career that you are passionate about, putting you in the driver’s seat of your career, and giving yourself the chance to spend more time with your family. Few careers offer so many benefits but Home Staging allows you to give way to your creativity by employing the latest trends in interior design as well as home fashions. A career in home staging will also give you the opportunity to meet interesting people as you set up fabulous spaces in some of the most beautiful and expensive homes located in your area.

As a home stager, you will be able to help real estate agents, home builders, and home owners sell houses faster and at higher rates while at the same time enjoying a job you love. You will be hired to emphasize the best features of a property while improving or downplaying the less appealing features. You also don’t have to spend so much time looking for a home staging career opportunity as there are literally thousands and thousands of homes on the market which means there is plenty of business for home stagers to go about.

Starting a home staging business will let you earn a starting pay of around $35 to $75 per hour or more. Not only that, you will enjoy the freedom of being your own boss as you can work from home. If getting paid to provide home staging services appears to be the career of your dreams then becoming a home stager is right for you. You can start right now while it remains a hot business. Discover how you can become a home stager and start your own successful home staging business.

About The Author

Karen Schaefer is the Founder of Simple Appeal, Inc. and APSD which is composed of professional Home Stagers who have accumulated and gained the best Home Staging Training there is. Karen will teach you more about staging, marketing, and selling houses quickly. You can click on the links for more on home staging careers.

Benefits of a Home Staging Career

Have you ever imagined having a high-paying career that lets you use your creativity and flair for decorating and home design?   Are you looking for a job that allows you to have more time, make more money and work in an industry you love? Then Home Staging is right for you. While enjoying the job, you will also be able to help people sell their homes quickly and for higher prices. As a home stager, you will help home builders, real estate agents, and home owners sell homes faster.

The Role of Home Stagers

In order to make a home stand out and sell it in this tough market, it has to appeal to a buyer’s emotions. Home Stagers work with real-estate agents and their clients to improve the appearance of their homes and make it more attractive for potential buyers. They are hired to emphasize the best features of a property while improving or downplaying the less attractive features of a property. This way people who are looking to sell their homes quickly for a top dollar will greatly benefit from the home stagers.

Home Staging Business

Starting your own home based business may seem to be full of challenges and setbacks. But come to think of it, the rewards of a home staging business are quite immeasurable. Furthermore, setting up a home staging business is actually simple because it does not require a great deal of overhead or what we call a start up cost. This is also good if you are looking for a flexible time work schedule. In fact, you can run the business out of your own home and during the hours you choose. A career in home staging can also be a fabulous part-time home business. Most people require the services of a home stager in the evenings or on weekends which entails that you can even work part time while you are getting started. With a home staging business you don’t have to give up the security of your full time paycheck for now.

As a home stager, you will have the immense opportunity to help others sell their homes fast and reach their goals while at the same time realizing your own dreams by finally living the life you deserve. And there has never been a better time for you to get involved with it.

About the Author

Karen Schaefer is the Founder of Simple Appeal, Inc. and APSD which is composed of home stagers who have accumulated the best Home Staging Training there is. Learn more on Home Staging Careers. Take advantage of this opportunity right now.